1. [March 31st 2006] All started here ( I wrote this in my blog on seeing a news in Dinamalar ... a paper published in Tamilnadu ... not suspecting much.
2. [April] Joined orkut community for studying online behaviours of Indian Youths wrt my research on Webmedia.
3. Went to a 5000 strong community called LOK Paritran where they are discussing politics of the IITians Party, the only hope for India.
4. Done a research on their site ( forget that they can not manage the site well ( images were not loading till now in IE in the menu's but they are going to manage the entire country! )
5. I already told in the blog about their quote in Rigveda and the symbol of axe ( Lord Parasuram's Weapon .. he is the protector of Brahmins! So do these Brahmins want to finish the Kshatriya's .. the present rulers with their axe symbol?! This group should have been inspired by the film yuva and also by the TV serial Mahabharatha ! Real IIT Kids, still living in the fantacy world )
6. When I raised questions about their crazy ideology ( Non of those 5000 members can explain what it meant to them ! Poor political Kids.
Reality is a continuum. Knowledge system, in shortest, is fragmentation imposed upon the continuum of reality. Fragmentation is always a necessity for understanding of the unknown. Every fragment in the knowledge system becomes a construct or an entity that is defined in the knowledge system. This very fact shows that different knowledge systems can be build on the same reality based on different possibilities and patterns of fragmentation.
Entities are abstraction and should not be viewed as objects or elements as such, but patterns residing over continuum of reality, or in physical world, over continuum of material. So, the structure of knowledge system that is built over the patterns or entities will have a continuum of the levels of abstraction.
and so on ....
They are laughing at Vijayakanth Fans!LOL! ( Read the criticism from my friend Freddy M Ramachandran a free thinker. Also read the criticism of blogger Ganesh Ramachandran )
7. When I talked about dravidian ideology and Periyar EVR, one fellow called him ass, then I lost my cool and shouted back at them and the heat become uncontrolable and so I left on knowing that they are going to ban me without answering even one of my doubts.
(Note: Yesterday - May 13 Dr Kalangar M Karunanithi sworned as the new CM. Ask anyone in the media... where he went first before sworning in ... Went to Anna Samaathi.. no .. first respect always reserved for Thanthai Periyar )
8. But something got my mind. Who are behind these unsuspecting kids. They know only that Lokparithran was against all forms of corruptions and the founder was an IIT graduate, Double masters in US etc etc. So as if it is their new found AGP ( Assam youth party started by students and formed government ) for the country, to make it one of the super power in the world )
9. I was wondering from their name ( Paritraanaaya Sadhunaam - Gita ), symbols parasuram axe, rigveda quote, founder is a Purohit and the chief advicer Santhana Gopalan Vasudev .... really my mind remembered some of the Periyar's quotes! So went deep and found their real colour!
No one ( except me ) supected it seems... about their communal nature and even papers like Hindu, which is bit always inclined towards verification, never bothered it seems. So they have hidden well behind their IIT and US masters Degrees. So escaped the eyes of the common man. They all thought that they are really a fantastic alternative for the BJP and CONGRESS and testing their water in TN, a hotbed of Dravidian Politics. When I was deep searching in the web for the founder Tanmay Raj Purohits US life and his political inclinations ( No one in the world doubted it seems!LOL! ) I found a shocking link that exposed him as a hindutva fanatic .. See the second posting which says "The speaker (purohit ) analyzes the ideological defeat of Pseudo-secularists on the FUD front, and advocates Hindutva Ideology to occupy the centrist space in the political spectrum." I never mind if it was said so in their party Ideology.
To make my point louder, I am going to show many media links... have they said their Hindutva Centric Ideology anywhere?... I leave it to the readers and the media houses to judge whether they have come out with an open or hidden agenda.
- http://www.thehindu.com/2006/04/10/stories/2006041013670400.htm
- http://www.hinduonnet.com/mp/2006/04/15/stories/2006041502320100.htm
- http://www.siliconindia.com/shownewsdata.asp?newsno=31708
- Their own press release
- http://www.hindu.com/2006/05/06/stories/2006050620631000.htm
- http://www.rediff.com/election/2006/apr/21pinter.htm
When I contacted one of the party functionary I asked him "what is your policy on reservations?" (though I knew !LOL). He said they are against reservation and their policy will be updated soon in their site. I asked why it is not posted in the site clearly? He could not give a valid reply!
One of my online friend, a Tamil web activist from Chicago chatted with me in Yahoo IM and gave me a hint. He told me "I think this Tanmay Raj Purohit might be inspired by both Savarkar and Subhash Chandra Bose!". WoW. Forward Bloc and Hindutva. Why not Nazi's? By the way I got a similar info from my Rajasthan activist told me that there was a plan of NAZI SWASTHIK symbol in their Lok Parithran FLAG.
Our related findings on our web research to substantiate their hidden agenda ... read the last pargraph highlighted in Red. So we asume that Mr Tanmay Raj Purohit must be doing what the prev leaders visualized in early thirties.
British reports had highlighted that from 1927, B. S. Moonje, an RSS co-founder was inspired to model the RSS on Fascist and Nazi movements (M. Casolari, ‘Hindutva’s foreign tie-up in the 1930s: archival evidence’, Economic & Political Weekly, 22 January 2000.)
In 1931, Moonje visited Fascist Italy and met with Mussolini, by whom he was extremely impressed. Of the Fascist Balilla movement, which organized military training and fascist indoctrination of young boys, Moonje said: The Balilla institutions and the conception of the whole organization have appealed to me the most…The whole organization is conceived by Mussolini for the military regeneration of Italy, Italians, by nature, appear ease-loving and non-martial, like the Indians generally. They have cultivated, like Indians, the work of peace and neglected the cultivation of the art of war. Mussolini saw the essential weakness of his country and conceived the idea of the Balilla organization…India and particularly Hindu India need some such institution for the military regeneration of the Hindus…Our institution, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh of Nagpur under Dr Hedgewar is of this kind, though quite independently conceived. I shall spend the rest of my life developing and extending this institution of Dr Hedgewar all throughout Maharashtra and other provinces. (Moonje quoted in M. Casolari, ‘Hindutva’s foreign tie-up in the 1930s: archival evidence’, Economic & Political Weekly, 22 January 2000, page 220.)
The Italy visit inspired Moonje to promote these ideas among Hindus in Maharashtra and begin the organization of Hindu youth movements based on this fascist model. This included a conference on Fascism and Mussolini’s political thought in 1934, presided by RSS founder K. B. Hedgewar and at which Moonje spoke. (M. Casolari, ‘Hindutva’s foreign tie-up in the 1930s: archival evidence’, Economic & Political Weekly, 22 January 2000.)
…unless we have our own swaraj with a Hindu as a dictator like Shivaji of old or Mussolini or Hitler of present day Italy and Germany…But this does not mean that we have to sit with folded hands until some such dictator arises in India. We should formulate a scientific scheme and carry on propaganda for it.
(Moonje quoted in M. Casolari, ‘Hindutva’s foreign tie-up in the 1930s: archival evidence’, Economic & Political Weekly, 22 January 2000, page 221.)
To know, why we are doubting. ...read the LP founder member and Treasurer Chandrashekar S Raj's Interview to a magazine and his answers regarding Democracy! Again I leave it to the reader to judge.
( Source: http://shamitb.blogspot.com/2006/04/lokparitran-interview.html )Who would have by now not heard of LokParitran, earlier known as Paritrana, the national party formed by 5 passionate IITians who gave up handsome pay packages, lucrative jobs, comfort of family and support of friends to follow their inner voice which told them that 'they should invest their efforts in the country rather than making their pockets heavier'.
The core team of “LokParitran' ' comprises
- Tanmay Rajpurohit, the national president of the party and B Tech in aerospace from IIT Bombay followed by an MS from GeorgiaTech and double masters in arts
- Ajit Shukla B. Tech.(Mechanical Engg) IIT Bombay & M.Tech.(Mechanical Engg) IIT Bombay
- Amit Beesen, also the vice president and a B Tech (Mechanical) from IIT Bombay and a LLB graduate
- Chandrashekhar (national treasurer), B Tech (computer science) from IIT Kanpur
- Bharat Sundaram, the PRO of the party and B Tech from IIT Kanpur and PhD in electronics from Melbourne
The national treasurer of the party Chandrashekar S Raj answered some of the questions a few of us had posed from Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab (HTSL) e-zine Xpressions:
1. Could you please give some details on how Paritran happened. Were you all having a similar vision right from your IIT days ?
Ans. An informal group of youngsters was formed two and a half years ago with the understanding that degeneration of society and increase in suffering at the collective level are the order of the day despite the immense potential of the country and its people. The gap between what is said and what is done is widening day by day. Everyone talks about possibilities but no one acts. Something has to be done, and somebody has to do it.
After much effort in trying to collaborate with existing organizations and apparently concerned people for implementing our plans for development in key areas like public health, education, and the economy, we came to realize the intellectual bankruptcy and the inherently corrupt nature of the existing setup, and the inherent interconnectedness of all the issues facing society and the impossibility of partial solution.
As party President Tanmay Rajpurohit, who holds a B.Tech degree from IIT Mumbai and double masters degrees from the US, says, this party has been founded for the purpose of bringing about a fundamental change in the System, which, riddled with corruption and inefficiencies, has become the sole reason of distress to the people. Initiative was to get a foothold in the Indian political arena, which is so slippery because of the accumulated filth that we intend to clean.
2. What catalysed the final step - what made you leave your earlier professions for politics ?
Ans. Years of work in obscurity and the setbacks faced by the group wore out the will and hope of many of the rank and file of the group. Many joined and many deserted over the time. Finally the group decided to sever its existing connections with the other structural setups and work completely on its own. The problems faced by Mr. Tanmay Rajpurohit in the field, who left his PhD in Economics in the US to further the plans of the group in rural areas, and the response of the corrupt system left the group with two choices abandon its goals, or go all the way. Paritrana is the result of the decision of the remnant of the membership of the group to go all the way long..
3. How do you plan to handle coalition politics and its inherent contradictions,
which is the order of the day ?
Ans. We will not go for coalition and we plan to handle it straight forwardly, that is if it becomes necessary for the greater objective. We are well aware of the pitfalls of the tendency to compromise the global possibilities in favor of temporary gain.
4. Based on your strategy document are you saying NGOs and social activists are not effective? Can you clarify.
Ans. I think it is explained in the same document. “The reforms at lower levels that are somehow achieved by efforts at the individual or the microscopic group level are either shallow or compartmentalized and soon their effects get eroded due to the interconnectivity of the entire setup. The overall system, the social setting, the mindset of people, these require a fundamental structural change for it to be of any value. Accomplishments that are at a lower level, or are partial in nature, in the absence of any sustaining mechanism, will only be compromised over time by the flow of degeneration from the top. The overall setting has come to a point where sustained effective change in a positive direction is possible only by structured efforts at the top level.”
5 With the economy growing at 7-8% is your party's view to continue with the liberalization and privatization or would you go against the disinvestment policies - the route that the left parties are demanding; though they follow the exact opposite in Bengal etc.
Ans. In Policy document (coming soon on the website ).
6 Your message to people who want to join your party.
Ans. There is a lot to tell, a lot to learn and understood. Hold on hope and have a degree of perseverance, it pays off! Be open in understanding and firm on the decisions! Learn to trust your instincts rather than this one or that one! A lot depends on you how this party will take shape and form and what EXACTLY and how much of it the party can achieve!
7 You claim that only the great traditions of golden Bharatvarsha can transform the country into a prosperous and powerful nation. However there were several wrong traditions in our country which were discriminating against various sections of society like woman, lower castes etc. What is your take on these ?
Ans. I think simplicity has lost its position. I said “great traditions”, and if you think that the traditions you are referring to, has anything to do with greatness than …... is there anything more to say?
8 You want to make India a self-proclaimed "Jagadguru" - doesn’t that sounds very boastful and colored with a superiority complex.
Ans. It just sounds what it sounds. If it sounds boastful and filled with superiority COMPLEX to someone than that’s what it sounds for HIM. This seems to be a world where praise is flattery, pointing out shortcomings is criticism, accepting the quality and ability of oneself is superiority COMPLEX, accepting ones shortcomings is inferiority COMPLEX, giving due value to oneself is narcissist COMPLEX, and I’m fed of COMPLEX world. That’s why I say SIMPLE, SIMPLE and again SIMPLE. ( Chella's comment: See how simple is their Ideology , read the criticism by a popular blogger Badri in plain vanilla language.. simple simple simple .. so that even a common man can understand )
9 Can you please elaborate on these lines of your agenda:
To modernize India’s force structure and defense doctrine.
To adopt a "practical" foreign policy for India.
Ans. Policy Document is on the way. In a day or two a bit more elaboration on the website is forthcoming.
10 You have quoted in your ideology The simplicity and wisdom of the glorious past is lost in the complexities of "pseudo intellectualism" and "pointless debates" on "petty issues", all of which are at a lower level of abstraction.
Apart from your theories do you mean to say all other theories and ideologies are "pseudo intellectualism". Please clarify this
Why the "debates are pointless" ? Debate is an inevitable process in democracy. Are you suggesting unquestionable ideologies and practices which are a sufficient sign of fascism
Some issues may be petty for you but very important for many people. Who will decide about "pettiness" of an issue. Are you suggesting you will be the sole decision maker of deciding this. This is again against the very principles of democracy
Ans. I’m not suggesting that I’m the sole decision maker on the pettiness of issues; it’s in the instincts that make you feel the pettiness issues-if it is petty. YES there are petty issues being debated on, again and again and again with no work being done! I’m not going to enumerate a lot of issues being debated in Indian politics that are petty, if you yourself can’t see at least some of them. People have developed tendency to debate and justifying their inaction. What should be the ultimate motive? Than debate on that! What should be the foreign policy with the new countries formed? And debate on that. If some issues are not petty for a lot of people and fundamentally important in their lives than the one who will ignore them will pay its price and if some issues ARE PETTY and being debated again and again to waste time than one will pay its price as well and that’s what India as a nation is paying.
11 Your website gives me a feeling that you want to establish a monarchy in India based on a very rigid ideology which you think will be people friendly monarchy and nobody should challenge those ideologies/governing principles, no debates and then India will act as a big brother/ultimate preacher for whole world
Ans. I can’t do anything to what people feel. Content there is on the website and YOU get some ideas about monarchy, rigidity, big brother!! I don’t know how or why? Why so much of fear psychosis? Can YOU elaborate?

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